Do you have allergies?

Province Girls Boys All students
% who answered ‘yes’
N.L. 38.42 31.03 34.61
P.E.I. 29.23 22.22 26.73
N.S. 36.73 33.33 34.95
N.B. 46.07 39.59 42.76
Que. 35.26 31.43 33.45
Ont. 33.19 30.98 32.09
Man. 31.72 26.84 29.25
Sask. 32.97 30.94 31.96
Alta. 34.52 28.04 31.23
B.C. 39.72 36.64 38.18
Note: Elementary students only.
There were too few participants in the territories to publish any figures.
Source: Census at School – Canada, 2005/2006.